Tuesday, March 11, 2008

what is dialogue?

Dialogueb is a discussion between two or more poeple. In "speak" Melinda has a dialogue with her teachers, but you also hear what's going on in her own mind. when you have dialogue you use quotation marks. Melinda meets Heather who is new to the school. The dialogue is as follows: ' I'm Heather from Ohio, she says. "I 'm new here are you? "

Thursday, March 6, 2008

First Book

I'm reading "Speak' by Laurie Halse Anderson. The first few pages are about the first day of school. The girl, Melinda Sordino, is the first pick up on the school bus. She decides to sit in the front in hope of making eye contact with a friend. No one wants to sit next to her. She feels all alone.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What are book clubs?

we are going to type on our blogs every day about what we read.

The class decided to read "Speak". They know that it's about a 9th grade girl who has trouble in school.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ron Fournier is a political writer for New York Post. I think he wants Obama to win the democtratic primary because he talks about all the things the clintons did wrong in his article. He even titles it , Clintons had this coming.